Trusted Partner

The Value of Independent Advice

We are fiduciaries committed to protecting the best interests of clients and preserving family wealth for today and future generations.

Weinerman Wealth Management was founded by David Weinerman, an advisor with over 30 years of experience helping families protect most everything they have worked so hard to build.

We know you face complex and evolving financial conditions—and we are committed to collaborating with you to understand your unique situation, guide decision-making, and empower you to achieve your goals and dreams.

We believe deeply in personal relationships and accountability—and we are here to earn your trust every step of the way. That’s why it is our name on the door—as our personal commitment to you.

Benefits of Independence

The world is changing—fast. The financial team you choose must stay current to keep up with your changing needs to best serve you now and well into the future. As an independent firm and fiduciary, we always strive to put your interests first.

Our independence also means the opportunity to operate in an open architecture platform, free to select from an unlimited array of partners and resources in the industry, including Summit Financial LLC., a leader in the independent wealth industry.

Fiduciaries committed to your best interests

Objective advice and tailored planning

Comprehensive and transparent reporting

Advanced tools and technologies

Access to top-tier research and solutions

World-class partners and resources

4 Campus Drive, Suite 2
Parsippany, NJ 07054
(973) 285-3618

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